August 30, 2010

"Big Wednesday" Vol. 7 - "Power Pete"

Peter Wintex had a slow day last Wednesday, where he swam a lot - good exercise though - but you could hear him "Rohaaar!!!" like an old bear out there on the break, every time his missed a maneuver - keep it up Pete, don't forget "the SOUL part"!! :O)
But even though Pete had a relative "slow day", he still sailed better than most of the crowd. Normally Pete is a really interesting guy to follow because of his very aggressive approach. That is what makes it for me, windsurfers like Pete who give me something "in the box" - if that isn't happening, this blog wouldn't exist at all.
I have been asked a couple of times why I don't shoot pic's of the regular crowd - but I will kindly let others do that. Here on my blog I'm only focusing on showing some action, focusing on showing some of the guy's who's really stand out, who are 100% tuned in to the elements.

Pete is one of these guy's - event hough his swimming skills also are worth talking about!! :O)

Pete in action last Wednesday


... & "Snap"!!!

"Ripping it" again

....and "Snapping it"!!!


  1. Har været mig en fornøjelse at følge Wintex i 20 år, altid været super god spas at følge på vandet, ja selv når han ligger på græsset i rødvig med skulder ude af skålen, fordi han giver den 110% æde på de gode dage. ;)

    True bad ass windwanker!

  2. Jep, han er sgu en ren "power-bombe" - men han svømmer sgu også super godt ind imellem!!!. Måske skulle jeg kalde ham "Iron-Pete" fremover :O)
