Here on this site you will find relevant links to different weather forecasts.
This one is called: We love wind - I love it!!!
Check it out it gives a really nice overview of a lot of different places.
This one I found on Riders - here is a direct link to
You write a name of the place you want to check out and then hit the green button called "søg" - I wrote Udsholt (one of the wave spots on the North coast of Sjælland) and it gave me this result.
Here is a new one I got today from a great and very skilled young surfer
Oliver Hartkopp
Check it out HERE
This one is called: We love wind - I love it!!!
Check it out it gives a really nice overview of a lot of different places.
This one I found on Riders - here is a direct link to
You write a name of the place you want to check out and then hit the green button called "søg" - I wrote Udsholt (one of the wave spots on the North coast of Sjælland) and it gave me this result.
Here is a new one I got today from a great and very skilled young surfer
Oliver Hartkopp
Check it out HERE
Just use the direct links - and then click on the relevant area in Denmark you want to check out.
Or go to the Denmark -> then find menu on the right -> then find "strandvejr" and check out the 48 hour forecast for a local area.
This is how it looks
Link: DMI
Link: Windfinder
Windguru - is a super weather forecast for every surfer.

Use the link to get direct to Windguru - here you can find lot's of relevant weather information from all over the world - absolutely great site as well.
LINK: Windguru
Weather forecast for Sweden
Windguru - is a super weather forecast for every surfer.

Use the link to get direct to Windguru - here you can find lot's of relevant weather information from all over the world - absolutely great site as well.
LINK: Windguru
Weather forecast for Sweden

Just write the name of the place you want to check out, as shown in the top screen print.
Link: SVT weather
Also a very serious site, with a whole bunch of relevant weather informations.
Link: Farvandsvæsnet.
Then go to : weather ->marine -> surface pressure animation
- and you will find this weather map.